Dr Ola Brown is the founding partner of Healthcare Capital Africa also known as ‘Healthcap’; a pan-Africa investment company focused investments that create a healthier world. She previously founded a tech enabled urgent care services marketplace called Flying Doctors Nigeria which has provided services in over 100 countries and has responded to over 5000 urgent care requests.Dr Ola studied medicine and surgery at the Hull York Medical School after which she worked in Acute Medicine in the UK. She then went on to be awarded the Japanese MEXT scholarship which allowed her to further her studies in Tokyo, Japan, the fellowship focused on lab-based research with induced pluripotent stem cells. She also holds a Masters degree in Finance and Economic Policy (Major) from the University of London (Modules included: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Financial Markets, Capital Markets, Banking, Banking regulation & IMF/Economic policy). She is currently working towards her PhD in Finance, her thesis topic is studying the relationship between digital currency and monetary policy bringing together her existing expertise in fintech and economic policy-making.