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Dr Naeem Dalal

Youth Mental Health Expert, Zambia National Public Health Institute

Dr Dalal is leading grassroots to system level change around preventive health. He has a track record of impact as a Zambian youth mentor and mental health specialist, psychiatrist at University Teaching Hospitals, and public health chairperson of the Zambia Medical Association. Dr Dalal has a record in promoting behaviour change specifically tailored to Youth. Dr Dalal has been recognized globally and locally by Zambia’s Ministry of Health for his innovation for strengthening mental health and psychiatry service in the country. He is recognised as a global mental health specialist affiliated on boards and advisories spearheading policies and strengthening mental health services. He is currently affiliated with the Zambia National Public Health institute as the Mental Health Specialist on the COVID-19 World Bank project. He is also one of the leading consultants supporting the Africa CDC on implementing the injuries, non-communicable disease and mental health strategic plan on the African continent. Dr Dalal serves in multiple key advisory roles in the public health promotion sector where he shapes public opinions and promotes healthy wellbeing lifestyles. He believes the best advocates are people with lived experience and hence his passion for inclusion. 

All Sessions by Dr Naeem Dalal

09:00 - 10:30
Main Auditorium, Kenneth Kaunda Wing

Plenary: Track 9: Unmasking the Silent Epidemics: NCDs, Mental Health and Injuries

Confirmed speakers:

13:30 - 15:00
Main Hall, Old Wing

Parallel Session: Track 9A: Youth Mental Health in Africa

Confirmed speakers