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Dr Mary Nyamongo

Founder, Director & Technical Advisor, African Institute for Health & Development (AIHD)

Dr. Mary Nyamongo is the Founder Director of the African Institute for Health and Development (AIHD). She has worked for KEMRI, AMREF, APHRC and Population Council. She is an Executive Board Member and Vice-President of the African Region for IUHPE. She serves on various international committees including Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance (CHAMPS) and NCDI Poverty Network. She chairs the Advocacy Communication and Social Mobilization working group for NTDs in the MoH and holds a similar position for the NCDs in Kenya. She has published on gender, NCDs, NTDs, child health, GBV, sexual and reproductive health, and poverty. She is an Adjunct Faculty Member of Strathmore University, Nairobi. She holds a PhD (Social Anthropology), University of Cambridge, UK (1994) and a BA (Anthropology), University of Nairobi (1989).

All Sessions by Dr Mary Nyamongo

09:00 - 10:30
Main Auditorium, Kenneth Kaunda Wing

Plenary: Track 9: Unmasking the Silent Epidemics: NCDs, Mental Health and Injuries

Confirmed speakers:

13:30 - 15:00
Room 1, Old Wing

Parallel Session: Track 9B: Multi-sectoral action on NCDs, injuries and mental health

Confirmed speakers: