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Cathy Ndiaye


Dr Cathy Ndiaye is a biologist, epidemiologist, and public health specialist from Senegal, dedicated to improving the health of vulnerable communities. She is globally recognized for her expertise in the field of human papilloma virus (HPV) and for her dedication to fighting cervical cancer. 

She currently serves as the Director of HPV Vaccine Programs for the Center for Vaccine Innovation and Access at PATH, providing technical guidance and oversight for HPV vaccination implementation programs in several countries in Africa and Asia. She works closely with donors and ministries of health to plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate public health programs to increase access to health services, health equity, and impact on populations.

Dr Ndiaye led multiple projects related to infectious diseases including HIV, malaria, cholera, typhoid, and Covid-19. She also managed reproductive health programs, in an effort to effectively improve the health of girls and women, particularly in resource-limited settings. She is a member of Gavi’s Global HPV Leadership Subteam and the Coalition to Strengthen the HPV Immunization Community.