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Nyambe Sinyange

Zambia National Public Health Institute

I am a 46-year-old field epidemiologist currently working at the Zambia National Public health Institute as Director for Field Epidemiology Program; the cluster oversees the Country’s Field Epidemiology Training program (FETP). I have worked in this position since 2017 and now have over five years working experience at the Zambia National Public Health Institute contributing to health security and public health response through training of Frontline and Advanced Field Epidemiology residents. Included in the training is advanced epidemiology and biostatistics; geospatial analyses and mapping and use of R statistical software for analysis. Field epidemiologists are critical in Health security as they institute field investigation during public health problems to inform decision making and allocation of resources during these investigations, Findings are translated into publications; I guide the FETP residents through mentorship in ensuring they go through the process of initiation of investigations to dissemination of findings.