Salient Advisory: Advancing Access to Essential Health Commodities through Online Pharmacy in Africa: Catalysing Regulatory Reform

About 160 online pharmacies across Africa are leveraging technology to digitize distribution of health products, enhancing accessibility for customers. Despite growing acceptance of this model, regulations that govern online distribution of medicines are largely nonexistent, raising public health concerns, which could hinder the scaling and impact of online pharmacies. This 90-minute webinar will feature findings […]

DSI Scientific Network: Empowering African researchers to leverage genomic tools: Digital sequence information capacity building for public health research

Novel genomic techniques are opening new opportunities for public health research in Africa. Cost reductions and technical advances have made it easier to decode and digitally archive DNA, making genomic data (DSI) available through large public databases. This is changing how research is done and enabling rapid collaborations in emergency situations. However, there are significant […]