Women in Global Health Lusophone Community and Institute for Global Health and Development: Gender equality and women leadership in research in Lusophone countries

Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85664183759?pwd=ZSmdzsyk-j3paakE_9bJQwKk1nsUtQ.7mIc6mBfoKbqC7-k  The Side Event on “Gender equality and women leadership in research in Lusophone countries” intends to bridge the Lusophone publication gender gap, by sparking a critical, facts-based, and analytical debate on and propose solutions for the dire situation of women’s participation in and leadership of global health research in Africa. Organized, co-chaired […]

Health Service Management Centre Dubai, University of Birmingham: Breaking Barriers: Rebuilding health system leaders for MENA Region and Beyond

The session discusses the pressing need to review the role, nature, purpose of health systems and the health workforce in meeting universal healthcare coverage (UHC) and sustainable development goals (SDG). It will pay particular attention to questions regarding how we teach, train, and build capacities that are fit-for-purpose and fit-for-practice to lead health systems in […]