Africa CDC: 2nd Annual African Health Diplomacy Symposium  

The 2nd Annual African Health Diplomacy Symposium will be held under the “Theme: Global Health Diplomacy; the African Perspective” This symposium will delve into discussions on the historical progress and current status of health diplomacy in Africa and also address possible ways to enhance continental capability on Global Health Diplomacy including training and capacity building […]

Africa CDC: Implementing Africa CDC’s New Public Health Order: Reflecting on the Achievements of the Saving Lives and Livelihoods Initiative and Preparing for the Next Pandemic

The Saving Lives and Livelihoods (SLL) side event provides an opportunity to showcase the success stories and initiatives employed in responding to the effects of the COVID 19 pandemic in Africa. Mastercard Foundation as the funding organization will have its massive and significant contribution towards saving lives and livelihoods in African Union Member States showcased […]

World Health Organization- Africa Region: HPV Vaccination in Africa – A Game-Changer for Women and Girls

Across sub-Saharan Africa, 26 countries have made significant strides by introducing the HPV vaccine into their health agendas and bolstering cervical cancer screening and treatment. But this isn’t merely tackling one issue. It’s the foundation for unlocking broader health opportunities. The HPV vaccine, pivotal for young women, initiates our trajectory towards an integrated health approach […]

African Population and Health Research Center: Reducing Inequalities in Maternal, Newborn and Child Health in Cities in sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan African countries are grappling with unchecked urbanization driven by rural-to-urban migration, with nearly half of the population expected to be urban by 2030 and 3 in 5 by 2050. Rapid urban expansion, especially in capital cities, has led to the proliferation of slums, outpacing government planning efforts. Over half (54%) of urban dwellers in […]

UK Health Security Agency: The African Public Health Mentorship Framework

The field of public health requires knowledgeable professionals who stay updated and have practical experience. However, mentoring for developing public health leaders is often overlooked, particularly in Africa where experienced mentors are scarce. To address this, the Africa CDC and the UKHSA are collaborating to develop the African Public Health Mentorship Framework at the CPHiA […]

GSK: Strengthening Africa’s R&D Capacity: Empowering the Next Generation of Research Leaders in Africa to Combat Infectious Diseases

A strong and innovative regional research community is required for the development and implementation of effective measures to meet Africa’s health challenges. This interactive session will bring together key stakeholders including researchers, funding agencies, and public health experts, to engage in a dynamic discourse exploring strategies to accelerate R&D capacity building initiatives across the continent. […]

Strategic Purchasing Africa Resource Center: Transforming Strategic Purchasing in Sub-Saharan Africa: Unveiling SPARC’s Coaching Approach for catalyzing Health Financing Reforms for Universal Health Coverage

Join SPARC and the countries SPARC supports in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) for an insightful session on Strategic Purchasing challenges in SSA. We will delve into the use of the coaching approach across these countries, highlighting transformative results from our joint efforts. Our aim is to emphasize the importance of ongoing capacity building and the power […]

Africa CDC: Kofi Annan Global Health Leadership Program – A Three-Year Journey

The Kofi Annan Global Health Leadership Fellows, Albert Luthuli Leadership Platform for Health, Women in Global Health Egypt and South Africa host on the theme: “Gender transformative leadership in the workplace: breaking barriers, implementing change”. Come and hear authentic conversations by established and emerging leaders on the workplace reality and the wounds sustained in ensuring […]

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS,TB and Malaria: Realizing a New Public Health Order in Africa Through Sustainable Financing for Our Healthcare Systems

At the cornerstone of Africa CDC’s vision for a New Public Health Order is the issue of financing healthcare and health systems sustainably from domestic sources. The African Union has recognized that the financing of healthcare is primarily a political decision. Therefore, the question of ‘How to engage with politicians and policy makers to support […]

WHO (Health Development Partnership for Africa and the Carribean (HeDPAC)): Seeking Synergy for Health Development: Strengthening Collaboration Between Africa and the Caribbean Regions

This high-level Ministerial event will discuss health challenges faced by the African and Caribbean regions and exchange views about strengthening cross-regional health development through South-South Collaboration. By identifying opportunities to strengthen partnership between Africa and the Caribbean in the global health architecture, Ministers and Experts from the two regions will propose a road map towards […]