University of Global Health Equity: Global Health Conference Equity: The African Paradigm

Collaboration and dissemination of information through global public health conferences is essential to strengthen Africa’s public health institutions/workforce. At conferences, practitioners share best practices to expand diagnostics and therapeutics, and network for health security- equitable access to global health conferences is integral to strengthening key pillars of the new Public Health Order and essential for […]

PATH: From pledges to protection: Accountability for commitments made on Immunization as a building block for UHC

This dialogue is in alignment to AU Agenda 2063 goals on promoting Action-Oriented and Respectful Partnership and increasing Domestic Investment in Health. It is an opportunity to sound the drum for African Heads of State, civil society organizations, international organizations, and experts to unite in support of strengthening health outcomes through fulfillment of financing related […]

Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking: Accelerating research in Africa to tackle infectious diseases

Established in 2021, the Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking (Global Health EDCTP3) is an African-European research partnership. Building on the previous EDCTP programmes, Global Health EDCTP3 funds innovative research to tackle infectious diseases and activities to strengthen clinical research capacities in sub-Saharan Africa. This session will feature an interactive discussion between a panel composed of […]

Kofi Annan Global Health Leadership Fellows, Albert Luthuli Leadership Platform for Health, Women in Global Health Egypt and South Africa: Gender transformative leadership in the workplace: Breaking barriers, implementing change

The Kofi Annan Global Health Leadership Fellows, Albert Luthuli Leadership Platform for Health, Women in Global Health Egypt and South Africa host on the theme: “Gender transformative leadership in the workplace: breaking barriers, implementing change”. Come and hear authentic conversations by established and emerging leaders on the workplace reality and the wounds sustained in ensuring […]