GIZ: Strengthening Coordination between Africa CDC and the RECs/RMs

Africa CDC aims at bringing an ‘Africa CDC without walls’ through the establishment of its five Regional Collaborating Centres (RCCs) into reality. They are mandated to support the implementation of Africa CDC’s strategic plans at regional level. However, the RCCs are not the only stakeholders at regional level to respond to public health issues. Regional […]

Africa CDC: Mobilizing Innovation for Health Systems Resilience in Africa: Championing Sustainable Financing for Enhanced Health Security

On November 29, 2023, the Africa CDC’s Health Economics and Financing Programme (HEP) will host an Official Side Event on the theme Mobilizing Innovation for Health Systems Resilience in Africa: Championing Sustainable Financing for Enhanced Health Security, on the margins of the CPHIA 2023 (27-30 November), in Lusaka, Zambia. The event stands at the confluence […]

Africa CDC/JICA: Pathways for strengthening laboratory workforce in Africa: lessons learned and the way forward

COVID-19 ignited the necessity of laboratory system development. There is significant advancement including establishment of pathogen genomics surveillance networks and implementation of quality management system. To expand these initiatives, emphasis is given to laboratory workforce development. With a special focus on the capacity building of laboratory workforce, Africa CDC and Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA) co-organize […]

Planetary Health Alliance West Africa Regional Hub: Advancing Planetary Health in Africa within the context of Africa’s new public health order: Fostering Sustainability, Resilience, and Public Health

In line with the Africa CDC’s goal for a New Public Health Order, the proposed side event will address Planetary Health in Africa holistically. To ensure a sustainable future for the region, this interactive event will highlight the connections between public health, environmental health, one health, and human health. The event will also highlight effective […]

Women in Global Health, Zambia: A new public health order for Africa: an opportunity to build gender responsive health systems on the continent

The New Public Health Order for Africa calls for strengthening public health institutions and the public health workforce. Women in Global Health (WGH) centres gender transformative approaches to challenge systemic gender inequalities that undervalue women’s contributions, experiences and expertise in leading health programs at various levels of healthcare. Our side event will discuss the vital […]

Clinton Health Access Initiative: Diagnostic Integration and Optimisation in Zambia and the Future of Strategic Network Design 

This session will include a presentation of the successful Zambia diagnostic network analysis and integration of TB & HIV diagnostic networks as a prelude to a facilitated discussion on the role of diagnostic network analysis within broader strategic network design and integration. The session will wrap-up with an interactive exercise exploring how we might address […]

Healthy Learners: Scaling School Health Programme in Zambia : A Case Study on How the Government of Zambia is Scaling Education and Health Impact for Children in Schools

Explore the importance of partnerships between NGOs and Governments in ensuring the success of national mandates and policies to benefit communities. This session will highlight the Government of Zambia’s School Health Program, built in collaboration with NGO Healthy Learners, which addresses some of the major health challenges faced by school-aged children and how together they […]