UNICEF: Strengthening the Financing of the Primary Health Care in Africa
Primary Health Care (PHC) is the cornerstone for a resilient and integrated health system required for advancing Universal Health Coverage in Africa. While African countries have expressed commitment to PHC including financing through political resolutions, there is need for more action at country level and practical pathways for increased investment and better use of PHC […]
Science for Africa Foundation: Inaugural Africa Science Journalism Awards
Africa’s reporting of science including health pandemics and climate change is often affected by a lack of science journalism expertise, limited resources that allow increased coverage of key science topics, inaccuracy of science information leading to misinformation, language barriers, and cultural sensitivities. These challenges impede accurate and impactful journalism, often overshadowing the critical information needed […]
Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia: A New Era of TB Vaccines: Science, Policy/Program and Access
This side event will leverage the expertise and convening power of CIDRZ to bring together diverse partners around a topic of great interest to African health systems: the growing pipeline of TB vaccines in clinical development. It will boldly represent the urgency and importance of ushering in Africa CDC’s New Public Health Order. Event expectations: […]
PANTHER Unleashed: Charting Africa’s Preparedness for Respiratory Pandemics
Amidst the looming risk of respiratory pandemics, PANTHER (PANdemic preparedness plaTform for Health and Emerging infections Response) emerges as a vital force. One year after its launch, PANTHER will propose an advanced strategy in preparation of a respiratory outbreak that is built on previous experiences. The session will dive deep into administrative and scientific strides […]
Zambia National Public Health Institute / Zambia Field Epidemiology Network: Zambia Field Epidemiology Network (ZAFENET) Role in Emergency Preparedness and Response, Through Workforce Development and Health Systems Strengthening – Prioritizing FETP Alumni to Lead Public Health Emergency Response
A side event hosted by the Zambia Field Epidemiology Network (ZAFENET), an association of the Zambia Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) graduates at various levels, whose mission is to give health systems and organizations quick access to qualified public health emergency professionals. The side event will cover topics such as how to encourage professional growth […]