Medicines for Malaria Venture: Defeating malaria through equitable partnerships
In 2021, malaria claimed nearly 619 000 lives worldwide and over 245 million cases were reported. The global malaria community has made progress in reducing the disease burden over the last two decades. However, recent progress has stalled. Among the various factors, limited funding for malaria research and development (R&D) as well as access and […]
World Health Organization- Africa Region: HPV Vaccination in Africa – A Game-Changer for Women and Girls
Across sub-Saharan Africa, 26 countries have made significant strides by introducing the HPV vaccine into their health agendas and bolstering cervical cancer screening and treatment. But this isn’t merely tackling one issue. It’s the foundation for unlocking broader health opportunities. The HPV vaccine, pivotal for young women, initiates our trajectory towards an integrated health approach […]
Reach Digital Health: HealthTech Revolution: Bridging the Gap for Universal Health Coverage in Africa
An engaging and insightful moderated panel discussion focused on digital technologies’ transformative power in achieving universal health coverage (UHC) in Africa. The panel delves into the intersection of digital health infrastructure and equitable access to healthcare services, utilising existing interventions as case studies to illustrate practical approaches. Three key focus areas: -The role of digital […]
Healthy Learners: Scaling School Health Programme in Zambia : A Case Study on How the Government of Zambia is Scaling Education and Health Impact for Children in Schools
Explore the importance of partnerships between NGOs and Governments in ensuring the success of national mandates and policies to benefit communities. This session will highlight the Government of Zambia’s School Health Program, built in collaboration with NGO Healthy Learners, which addresses some of the major health challenges faced by school-aged children and how together they […]
Ministry of Health, Malawi: Reimagining Power and Accountability in Health Sector Strategic Planning and Implementation: Diverse “One Plan, One Budget” Experiences and Learnings in Africa
The “One Plan, One Budget, One Report” model of alignment of all stakeholder resources within a single government-led strategic plan and results framework has existed for over 15 years on the African continent. Fundamentally, it represents a major paradigm shift in power and accountability and has been operationalized in several countries with varying degrees of […]
Nigeria Health Watch: Communications for New Vaccine Introduction: Boosting Vaccine Demand and Acceptance in a Post-COVID Era
This side event seeks to highlight learnings from effective communication approaches for new vaccine introduction on the continent and increase discourse on effective communication for increased acceptance and uptake of new vaccines in Africa. Join here: Passcode: CPHIA@2023