Ms Rebecca Cherop

Founder and Board Member, The Semicolon Nation, Africa CDC Youth Advisory Team for Health

Rebecca is a Global Mental Health researcher and lived experience advisor with over five years of experience working with Wellcome Trust, MQ Mental Health Research and the Lancet Commission on Global Mental Health and Sustainable Development.

Rebecca currently serves as a board member at the Inaugural Africa CDC Youth Advisory Team for Health. Through this position, Rebecca serves as a representative of the African youth and ensures that Africa CDC’s strategies and initiatives are inclusive and adequately address young people’s health concerns.

She is currently a student of ‘Mental Health, Human Rights and Law’ at the prestigious International Center for Mental Health, Law and Policy, India –
advocating for increased access to quality mental healthcare for young people in Uganda and beyond through her non-profit ‘The Semicolon Nation’.

She has authored several articles and scientific papers published by global health organizations and sits on the Global Mental Health Peer Network Executive Committee.

All Sessions by Ms Rebecca Cherop

13:30 - 15:00
Main Hall, Old Wing

Parallel Session: Track 9A: Youth Mental Health in Africa

Confirmed speakers