The Global Fund to Fight AIDS,TB and Malaria: Realizing a New Public Health Order in Africa Through Sustainable Financing for Our Healthcare Systems

At the cornerstone of Africa CDC’s vision for a New Public Health Order is the issue of financing healthcare and health systems sustainably from domestic sources. The African Union has recognized that the financing of healthcare is primarily a political decision. Therefore, the question of ‘How to engage with politicians and policy makers to support more sufficiently, efficiently and effectively funded health systems and disease responses domestically?’ has been at the heart of its health financing policy agenda.

This has led to the resolve by all the 55 AU Member States to commit to the implementation of 10 key actions of the African Union’s ALM declaration and review progress after every 2 years.

This CPHIA 2 hour side session brings together African policy makers who have been working to advance this declaration within Ministries of Health, Ministries of Finance across Africa, together with some of the development partners and other stakeholders who have been supporting them to  discuss the challenges, progress made and key recommendations on critical issues around domestic financing for health in Africa going forward.

Organized by The Global Fund to Fight AIDS,TB and Malaria


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  • Date : November 27, 2023
  • Time : 15:00 - 17:00 (UTC+2)